Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Thank you for the overwhelming response to the only blog devoted to ending criminal corruption in New Jersey. The support has been terrific. By assisting our work, you become part of a network of lawyers, activists and other professionals around the state working to clean up our democracy. Here is what you get for helping out:

1. You get the latest news on New Jersey corruption.
2. You get quality lawyers filing ethics complaints, district court actions, prosecutorial referals and other lawsuits all in an effort to eliminate graft in New Jersey.
3. You get to support whistleblowers whose information has sent dozens of New Jersey lobbyists and politicians to jail.

Don't forget to take our challenge and read the posting on Commerce Bank. If you reply, you are eligible for a copy of Shakedown: The Fleecing of the Garden State, the classic book on New Jersey corruption.


  1. Yours is not the only blog so devoted. Tammany on the Hudson is devoted to ending corruption in Hudson County. I would say that deserves a mention.

  2. Anonymous5:41 PM

    What is with this guy sumunovich of the turnpike authority takes free trip from a contractor doing business with the state??

  3. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Check out this blog


    And this is the guy that Corzine is going to appoint? Looks like old fashioned politics still lives in NJ.

  4. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Opps... the right URL is


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