Welcome. We are citizens dedicated to ending the tyranny of corruption in American politics. To join call 609-921-0253 or send an e-mail to cyberesquire@aol.com. To contribute: send a check to "The Untouchables Group, 66 Witherspoon Street, Suite 414, Princeton, NJ 08542" To pay by credit or debit card, go to PayPal and click "send money" and send to cyberesquire@aol.com. Contributors sending $15 or more receive "Shakedown: The Fleecing of The Garden State" the classic book on NJ corruption.
Monday, August 01, 2005
Welcome To The New Jersey Untouchables.
Welcome to the New Jersey Untouchables. We are a coalition of lawyers and public citizens dedicated to ending the tyranny of corruption in New Jersey State politics. This is a home for whistleblowers, dedicated citizens, and just ordinary citizens fed up with the criminal corruption in our state. We invite not only your comments, but your participation. Carl J. Mayer, Esq.
I am very reluctant to post this comment because I fear retaliation by the Middlesex County Prosecutors office. I know first hand of a murder case where the defendent is being railroaded by what we belive are corrupt police, investigators for the state and his own attorney may also be involved. The story is to unbelievable to believe but we have what we think may be proof. The murder was not committed by him so they are trying him for conspiracy. But witnesses were mentaly tortured to change their statements after asking for a lawyer and evidence in his favor is being covered up. The proesecutor is getting all the time he wants to try and convict and the defense has no chance of winning because evidence is being withheld by the state and not showing in discovery. Including a tape where a witness states the investigators forced her to say things that were not true.
ReplyDeleteI fear they will get away with this and this man will go to prison for the rest of his loife for nothing.
The proescutor even conveniently fund a new witness who was in jail at the time once the state realized a juror said somehting they should not have which woulkd have had the indictment thrown out, Once the defense made it known about the juror, the prosecutor filked new charges. But the lawyer could have filed a motion prior that would have had the indictment thrown out and he did not do so.
Has anyone elase heard of this type of illicit activity by Middlesex County before? Have they done stuff like this in other cases? They have wanted this person for years because of his past history (nothing violent or seriopus like this charge) and he has been out of trouble for over 20 years. Now they may have got him where they want him. Even if he is innocent,
Where do I go from here to get help if such a thing is available?
Hi, I hit on this blog site in a link from NJ Politics. I am a citizen here in New Jersey. I live in Morris County.
ReplyDeleteMy political persuasion is that of a conservative / Republican. I tell you this just so you know where I am coming from.
Having read some of your articles, I am surprised that there hasn't been more of a house cleaning in this State.
I wonder why, if you have tapes of these individuals saying the things that they did, then why haven't they been exposed more publicly? Why are they not prosecuted?
Is the press also intimidated? Or are they in cahoots?
Can you link the corruption to specific elements of the parties or to specific people? Please name names as much as you can.
Having lived in other States I can make comparisons to observable phenomenon. For example, it seems to take an inordinately long time to get any construction project done in this State, especially when the government is involved.
The I287 project took more than a decade to complete when a similar project in Maryland on I270 took only about 4 years. I assure you that they were comparable. Are we funding make work projects for the government unions?
In Morristown the effort to do something with the Alfred Vail Mansion is running into years of delay… All of this kind of stuff costs the taxpayers money!
We have the second highest tax rates in the nation. Where the hell is the money going? What benefit can we see from these high rates?
I am not inclined to favor Governor Corzine’s plan for revamping the State budget knowing how poorly they have been spending our money so far. I understand that what the Governor calls “cuts” are actually increases in spending that are lower than what the big spender would like to spend. He learned that well in Washington.
Your goal is to focus on corruption in the State and expose it. My reason for writing is to point out that corruption is often encouraged by policy. If the government were not spending so much of our money, then there would be less reason to try to influence our government officials.
It used to be a Republican saying that “Government which governs least, governs best.”
Republicans used to believe that when government intervention was required, that it should be done at the lowest possible level of government consistent with solving the problem. I am not sure that, that philosophy is alive these days in New Jersey.
Come to Barnegat and you will be her efor a long time .It''s the ultimate in Ocean county political games
ReplyDeleteNew Jersey's corruption extending towards the White House...Americans need to realize now
ReplyDeletethat our government will mirror the corrupt state of New Jersey. Understand that if you
enable corruption it will effect you and your families the same way it has in New Jersey.
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ReplyDeleteCome on Carl...get a life. Going after an NFL team for supposedly "cheating"? Find it hard to believe there aren't more important things in life to tend to. You must have lost some betting money on these games.
ReplyDeleteyou are the exact reason that people despise lawyers. bogus charges, heinous claims, halitosis, chlamydia, you are a mentally decrepit organization.
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